
Описание механизма возникновения и эволюции мозга (интеллекта) в четырех частях. Факты, выводы и немного "сказки". Требуются познания в области общей теории систем и многих специализированных областях знаний. Карточная символика и прочие атрибуты - дань гениальному Льюису Кэрроллу и теории вероятностей.

10 October, 2018


This blog has more than 5 years. It is interesting to look at the visitors statistics and distribution of the interest by individual posts. The available internal metrics of the Blogger platform were used as data source.

Let's leave some questions (why the sum of individual posts local metrics differs almost twice from the blog's total counter or what is the reasons for several curious sources of traffic) for the web abyss.

Also it's time to say goodbye to Google+ social network, which all these years has always been at hand and has served as a very convenient tool for notes. It will soon be time to make the last takeout... +1 to thank you!